Compete against teams throughout the region and beyond in our hockey tournaments throughout the year.
Compete against teams throughout the region and beyond in our hockey tournaments throughout the year.
Improve your skills as you hit the ice in our Skate & Shoot or Drop-In hockey sessions!
Improve your skills as you hit the ice in our Skate & Shoot or Drop-In hockey sessions!
Learn the basics of the game of hockey including skills like stick handling, passing and shooting. Previous skating experience is required for this class. We recommend participants complete Learn to Skate: Beginner through Beta classes before registering for Learn to Play Hockey. Youth Learn to Play classes are held on Saturdays 9:00-9:45am.
Learn the basics of the game of hockey including skills like stick handling, passing and shooting. Previous skating experience is required for this class. We recommend participants complete Learn to Skate: Beginner through Beta classes before registering for Learn to Play Hockey. Youth Learn to Play classes are held on Saturdays 9:00-9:45am.
Full Gear Required: helmet, face mask, mouth guard, neck guard, shoulder, elbow and shin pads, gloves, hockey pants, jersey, hockey socks, jock with supporter and cup, skates, and stick.
Learn To Play
Adults will learn the basic skills of adult hockey in a group setting. This includes stick handling, passing, shooting, and skating drills followed by a short scrimmage game.
Adults will learn the basic skills of adult hockey in a group setting. This includes stick handling, passing, shooting, and skating drills followed by a short scrimmage game. Previous skating experience is required for this class. We recommend participants complete Learn to Skate: Beginner through Beta classes before registering for Learn to Play Hockey.
Learn To Play
In this clinic taught and designed by Coaches Ryan Novalis and Mason Ledbetter, Goalies will work on positioning/angling technique, proper glove, blocker, and stick position and movement control. While shooters will work on improving stick-handling, shot mechanics and proper shooting form.
Youth Rookie League is for 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U age players who have less than 1-2 years of house league experience.
Youth Rookie League is for 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U age players who have less than 1-2 years of house league experience. There is no evaluation skate for this league.
Youth Leagues
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
Evaluation Skate: April 16th, 2025 6:15-7:15pm
Game Play Jamboree: April 23rd, 2025 6:15-7:15pm
Youth Leagues
Players receive technical instruction with a focus on stick-handling, shooting, 1v1 battling, game strategy and small area games.
Players receive technical instruction with a focus on stick-handling, shooting, 1v1 battling, game strategy and small area games.
This league is for skaters deemed ready for league play from our Adult Learn to Play Hockey program. This league includes 6 games, coaching, Learn to Play Adult classes. We recommend participants complete our Learn to Skate: Beginner through Beta classes before registering for Learn to Play Hockey classes. There is a draft skate for this league before each season.
This league is for skaters deemed ready for league play from our Adult Learn to Play Hockey program. This league includes 6 games, coaching, Learn to Play Adult classes. We recommend participants complete our Learn to Skate: Beginner through Beta classes before registering for Learn to Play Hockey classes. There is a draft skate for this league before each season.
Draft Skate: TBD
For more information please contact Ashley Roseman at
Adult Leagues
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
Evaluation Skate: April 15th, 2025 6:00-7:00pm
Game Play Jamboree: April 22nd, 2025 6:00-8:15pm
Youth Leagues
In this clinic designed by Coach Ryan Novalis, Goalies will work on positioning/angling technique, proper glove, blocker, and stick position and movement control.
In this clinic taught and designed by various coaches, Goalies will work on positioning/angling technique, proper glove, blocker, and stick position and movement control.
This league is for players continuing to develop skills learned in the Rookie League. Players in this league can skate with some control and have some backward skating ability. They can do crossovers, forward/backward transitioning and possess the ability to stop. Players possess ability to pass, stick handle, and shoot. This is a slow-paced low skill league great for player just starting out. There is a draft skate for this league before each season.
This league is for players to continue to develop skills learned in the Rookie League. Players in this league can skate with some control and have some backward skating ability. They can do crossovers, forward/backward transitioning and possess the ability to stop. Players possess the ability to pass, stick handling, and shooting. This is a slow-paced low skill league great for players just starting out. There is a draft skate for this league before each season. There is no pre-registering. All players and goalies must attend the draft skate. All games are played on Sunday nights. Fourteen teams broke into four divisions: East, West, South, North.
Fall Draft Skate: Sunday June 22th. TBA
Adult Leagues
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
Evaluation Skate: April 15th, 2025 7:15-8:15pm
Game Play Jamboree: April 29th, 2025 6:00-8:15pm
Youth Leagues
Players will improve overall skating ability, focusing on quickness, overall speed, agility and edge work.
Players will improve overall skating ability, focusing on quickness, overall speed, agility and edge work.
This league is for players possessing average skill sets. In this league players' skating skills are becoming second nature and players are starting to skate with their heads up. Players possess ability to pass, stick handle, and shoot with their heads up. There are three 10 game seasons. There is a draft skate for this league before each season.
This league is for players who possess average skill sets. In this league players' skating skills are becoming second nature and players are starting to skate with their heads up. Players possess the ability to pass, stick handle, and shoot with their heads up. There is a draft skating for this league before each season. There is no pre-registering. All players and goalies must attend the draft skate. There are thirteen games per season. Games are played on Friday and some Saturday nights. Currently fourteen teams are broken into four divisions: North, South, East and West. No pre-registration for draft, sign up at draft skate.
Fall Draft Skate: June 20th. TBA.
Adult Leagues
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
Evaluation Skate: April 16th, 2025 7:00-8:00pm
Game Play Jamboree: April 30th, 2025 6:15-8:30pm
Youth Leagues
Adult players participate in team concept drills, as well as those designed to improve skating, stick-handling, passing and shooting. The last 30 minutes of the clinic will be used for game play.
Adult players participate in team concept drills, as well as those designed to improve skating, stick-handling, passing and shooting. The last 30 minutes of the clinic will be used for game play.
This league is for players with better than just above average skill sets. This league is a fast paced league with players with above average skill sets. In this league players' skating skills are mostly instinctive. Players display confidence with their ability to shoot, pass, and stick handle. There are three 13 game seasons and games are usually held on Monday nights and some Sunday nights. There is a draft skate for this league before each season.
Thisleague is for players with better than just above average skill sets. Thisleague is a fast-paced league with players with above average skill sets. Inthis league players' skating skills are mostly instinctive. Players displayconfidence with their ability to shoot, pass, and stick handle. There are thirteengame seasons and games are held on Monday nights. There is a draft skate forthis league before each season. There is no pre-registering. All players andgoalies must attend the draft skate. Currently 8 teams are broken into twodivisions: East and West. No pre-registration for draft, sign up at draft skate.
Fall Draft Skate: Monday June 23rd, 2025, TBA
Adult Leagues
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
There are four options for House League registration: Full Season, Games Only, Practices Only, and Goalie. Please select your desired option during registration.
Evaluation Skate: April 16th, 2025 7:30-8:30pm
Game Play Jamboree: April 23rd, 2025 7:00-9:15pm
Youth Leagues
Our next Try Hockey for Free event will be early 2024. Check back for details!
Our next Try Hockey for Free event will be May 3rd, 2025!
This league is for players with lower tier college, high school and/or travel hockey experience. In this league players' skating skills are instinctive and all hockey skills are fully developed. The season consist of 10 games and games are usually held on Thursday nights, some games are held on either Saturday or Sunday.
This league is for players with lower tier college, high school, and/or travel hockey experience. In this league players' skating skills are instinctive and all hockey skills are fully developed. The season consists of thirteen games which are held on Thursday nights. There is no pre-registering. No draft skate for this league. Summer 2025 starts: May 15th, 2025.No Draft for this league.
Adult Leagues
In this league, players must have a high degree of hockey playing skills (current or former pro, junior, or upper tier college experience). In this league players' skating skills are instinctive, and hockey skills are fully developed and instinctive. The season consists of 10 games and games are usually held on Thursday nights some games are held on either Saturday or Sunday.
In this league, players must have a high degree of hockey playing skills (current or former pro, junior, or upper tier college experience). In this league players' skating skills are instinctive, and hockey skills are fully developed and instinctive. The season consists of 13 games held on Thursday nights. There is no pre-registering. No draft skate fort his league. Summer 2025 starts April 24th, 2025.No Draft for this league.
Adult Leagues
Youth Pond Hockey is a fun and fast paced environment that includes cross-ice games/drills for Youth Skaters ages 7-15. This will return in summer 2004.
Youth Pond Hockey is a fun and fast paced environment that includes cross-ice games/drills for Youth Skaters ages 7-15.
In our advanced division, players must have a high degree of hockey playing skills (current or former pro, junior, or upper tier college experience). In this league players' skating skills are instinctive, and hockey skills are fully developed and instinctive. There are three 13 game seasons and games are usually held on Sunday nights.
In our advanced division, players must have a high degree of hockey playing skills(current or former pro, junior, or upper tier college experience). In this league players' skating skills are instinctive, and hockey skills are fully developed and instinctive. There are 13 game seasons and games are held on Sunday nights. No draft skate for this league. Summer 2025 starts June 8th, 2025.
No Draft for this league
Adult Leagues
High School Drop in is for Youth Skaters ages 13-18. All skaters must be in full gear when on the ice.
High School Drop in is for Youth Skaters ages 13-18. All skaters must be in full gear when on the ice.
This is a women's only hockey drop in for players ages 18+ of all skill levels on Sundays. The schedule is posted on Pointstreak.
This is a women's only hockey drop in for players ages 18+ of all skill levels on Sundays! Register at the Service Desk. $24/session. The schedule is posted on Pointstreakrdv.
Adult Leagues
In this all-girls hockey clinic run by Coach Bill Alcabes, players receive technical instruction with a focus on stick-handling, shooting, 1v1 battling, game strategy and small area games.
In this all-girls hockey clinic, players receive technical instruction with a focus on stick-handling, shooting, 1v1 battling, game strategy and small area games.
This league includes four divisions (A - advanced, B – upper intermediate, C - intermediate, and D – lower intermediate) and is exclusively for those 35 years of age and older. Seasons are 16 games total and there are three seasons each year. The 35+ league involves a skill-based player selection draft and is completely re-drafted each season.
This league includes four divisions (A - advanced, B – upper intermediate, C -intermediate, and D – lower intermediate) and is exclusively for those 35 years of age and older. Seasons are sixteen games total per season. The 35+ league involves a skill-based player selection draft and is completely re-drafted each season. 35+ A/B play on Tuesday nights and 35+ C/D play on Wednesday nights. No pre-registration for draft, sign up at draft skate. Only register for the league after you have been selected to play on a team.
SummerDraft Skate Info:
35A&B:Tuesday June 3rd. Time: TBD
35C&D: Wednesday June 4th Time: TBD
Adult Leagues
This intensive clinic is designed to provide hockey players with necessary skills and confidence for effective body checking in hockey. Led by experienced coaches, participants will learn proper techniques, and engage in on-ice drills which will develop the skills needed to deliver and receive body checks with confidence.
This intensive clinic is designed to provide hockey players with necessary skills and confidence for effective body checking in hockey. Led by experienced coaches, participants will learn proper techniques, and engage in on-ice drills which will develop the skills needed to deliver and receive body checks with confidence.
This league is for hockey players of advanced through lower intermediate skill levels aged 45 and over. Like 35+, most teams in this league are completely re-drafted each season. The season consists of 9 games.
This league is for hockey players of advanced through lower intermediate skill levels aged 45 and over. Like 35+, most teams in this league are completely re-drafted each season. The season consists of 9 games. All games are played on Saturday nights. No pre-registration for draft, sign up at draft skate. Only register for the league after you have been selected to play on a team. Summer Draft Skate: June 7th. TBA
Adult Leagues